2023-24 Star Council
Immediate Past Grand Knight Ron Sullivan (left) accepts the Star Council Award for the 2023-24 Fraternal Year from current Grand Knight Bob Gregory. This award is given to Councils for outstanding achievement in Membership, Insurance, and Programs.
Thank you, Ron, for your leadership and dedication to the Knights!
Past Grand Knight
Incoming Grand Knight Bob Gregory presents Outgoing Grand Knight Ron Sullivan with a Knights Shirt in appreciation for his year as Grand Knight.
Thank you for your leaderhsip and your dedication to Council 1149!
Knight of the Year
Knight of the Year Dan Droste, pictured with Fr. Joe Sellas and Grand Knight Ron Sullivan.
Thanks for all you do Dan!
Family of the Year
Family of the Year Mike and Amy Warczakoski, picture with Fr. Joe Sellas and Grand Knight Ron Sullivan.
Thanks for all you do Mike and Amy!
Pro-Life Donations
Pro-Life Director Joe Kubec presents Kelsey Morris of Life Care Center a check for $2008.33 along with baby bottles and other supplies collected during our annual Baby Bottle Drive.
Thanks to Holy Trinity Parish for their generosity in helping the Knights support this great Pro-Life organization!
Scholarship Winner
Grand Knight Ron Sullivan presents Katie Heger a $500 Continuing Education Scholarship.
Congratulations Katie!
Holy Cross
Knights volunteering at Holy Cross Cemetary.
Eucharistic Procession
Knights participating in a recent Eucharistic Procession
Fish Fry Fun
Bob Gregory, Fr. Joe Sellas, Mike Warczakoski, and Steve Woolsey take a break during a recent Fish Fry.
Blessing of the new Gathering Area
The Most Reverend Archbishop Naumann, pictured here with Fr. Joe Sellas, blesses Holy Trinity's new Gathering Area, designed and built by the Knights.